How does the International Children’s Aid Foundation, Inc. (ICAF) fund Casa Emanuel Home?

Our financial support comes entirely from non-government sources and originates from five main areas:

  • Individuals who make undesignated contributions which the Board directs to the most urgent work
  • Sponsors who give $50 per month ($600 annually) to sponsor a child at Casa Emanuel Home. These funds are used to assist with food, housing, health, and education costs for the child.
  • Churches and service organizations who include ICAF in their mission budgets

Are my donations tax-deductible?

Yes. Cash contributions, child sponsorships and donations of supplies are fully tax-deductible. International Children’s Aid Foundation, Inc. is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN #22-3456251.

Is ICAF affiliated with a particular religious denomination?

No. ICAF is a non-denominational foundation that receives support from a variety of Christian groups and churches.