Casa Emanuel Home

Caring for the whole person for the whole of a child’s life.

About Us

When the International Children’s Aid Foundation (ICAF) was incorporated in 1997, the desire was to share the love of Christ with some of Romania’s most vulnerable people, orphans. This continues to be the vision of ICAF as it remains committed to investing in the lives of children in the Hunedoara region of Romania through Casa Emanuel Home.

Casa Emanuel Home is a large private residence located in the town of Crișcior where the staff provide a place for children to call home. Currently we have the ability to care for up to twenty-five children at a time. Children range in ages from three to high school graduation, which typically is at age nineteen. The caregivers intentionally foster a family environment, encouraging the children to help with chores, care for one another, and excel in school.

Casa Emanuel Home is committed to caring for the whole person – physical, spiritual, intellectual, and emotional – for the whole of the child’s life. After high school graduation, this includes assistance with job apprenticeships, higher education, and setting up the child’s first apartment. The staff of Casa Emanuel Home are dedicated to helping our children succeed in life.


The International Children’s Aid Foundation, Inc. (ICAF) is a non-denominational humanitarian organization founded by Christians committed to providing for the health, education, and development of abandoned and orphaned children through the operation of a Christian inspired family-group home known as Casa Emanuel Home in Crișcior, Romania.

How You Can Help

There are several ways you can support the International Children’s Aid Foundation, Inc. (ICAF), such as:

  • Making a one-time monetary donation
  • Making recurring donations to sponsor a child at Casa Emanuel Home ($50 per month or $600 annually)
  • Making recurring donations to support Casa Emanuel Home as a whole
  • If your company matches charitable funds, please consider asking them to match your donation
  • Donating in someone’s name for a Christmas, birthday or anniversary gift
  • Leaving a legacy donation via your will
  • Using to place orders and designating International Children’s Aid Foundation, Inc. (Marlton, NJ) as your charitable organization


Checks made payable to ICAF can be sent to:
673 Washington Road Pittsburgh, PA 15228, Attn. Alison Peters


How does the International Children’s Aid Foundation, Inc. (ICAF) fund Casa Emanuel Home?

Our financial support comes entirely from non-government sources and originates from five main areas:

  • Individuals who make undesignated contributions which the Board directs to the most urgent work
  • Sponsors who give $50 per month ($600 annually) to sponsor a child at Casa Emanuel Home. These funds are used to assist with food, housing, health, and education costs for the child.
  • Churches and service organizations who include ICAF in their mission budgets

Are my donations tax-deductible?

Yes. Cash contributions, child sponsorships and donations of supplies are fully tax-deductible. International Children’s Aid Foundation, Inc. is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN #22-3456251.

Is ICAF affiliated with a particular religious denomination?

No. ICAF is a non-denominational foundation that receives support from a variety of Christian groups and churches.

Contact Us


Newsletter: To stay informed of the most recent news at Casa Emanuel Home, please subscribe to our newsletter.


President: Rev. Kent Woodward (Winchester, VA)

Secretary: Mrs. Marilyn Shenenberger (Cross Junction, VA)

Treasurer: Mrs. Alison Peters (Pittsburgh, PA)

Director of Communications: Rev. Tara Thompson (Beaumont, TX)

Directors-at-Large: Mr. Duane Cookson (Winchester, VA), Mrs. Lynn Cookson (Winchester, VA), Mrs. Essi Efthimiou (Pittsburgh, PA), Mrs. Chris Forward (Medford, NJ), Mr. Rich Pinkerton (Pittsburgh, PA), Mrs. Sharon Perkins (Medford, NJ), and Ms. Liz Peters (Pittsburgh, PA)

President Emeritus: Mr. David Forward (Medford, NJ)


Director: Mr. Luțu Iuga (Deva, Romania)

Administrator & Social Worker: Mrs. Simona Cristea (Brad, Romania)

Plus, three housemothers, two cooks, two maintenance workers, and one housekeeper

Casa Emanuel Home is a ministry of the International Children’s Aid Foundation, Inc. (ICAF).